Energy audits

Piggreen provides Third Class Energy Control services

Energy control is imposed on large enterprises but concerns and benefits every energy-intensive building, industry or activity.

The aim of energy control is to save energy and reduce operating costs, improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions of gaseous pollutants.

We collect the necessary data and information regarding consumption, infrastructure, appliances and machinery, the procedures applied and many other elements that affect energy behavior.

We analyze data, measurements and information from the autopsies we perform and configure the consumer profile and the parameters that affect it.

We identify savings opportunities and study technically and economically the alternative proposals that are prioritized according to the client's priorities, so that they are in line with the investment strategy and financial capacity of the client.

An energy audit report shall be drawn up containing the results of the study and proposals for improvement, which shall be presented to the Administration and shall receive approval.

The active audit shall be carried out on the basis of the requirements of the relevant en 16247 standards and legislation N 4342/2015 etc.